OPINION: Adopt a 'Go-Giver' Mentality

OPINION: Adopt a 'Go-Giver' Mentality

The book paints an awesome picture of what most might view as an uncommon perspective of wildly successful business men and women. I don't want to give away the story, because I encourage you to read the book. What I can say is I have seen some of these laws work firsthand in my own life. As an example, although we are nowhere near "stratospheric success" at ATC, we have experienced three consecutive years of record revenues, and we are off to our best start ever in 2015. Further, we are helping more clients with their telecom needs, on a hunt to add employees and moving into a new office - outside of my home for the first time in 16 years - later this year. Maybe, unknowingly, we have touched on some of these aforementioned laws and what follows. What I do know is we will be touching on more of them, and more often, as we move forward.


Prior to reading the book, when interviewed for various articles or awards related to our success or our giving, I've often stated: "I don't know if we are giving more because we are making more or if we are making more because we are giving more." I was pretty sure of the answer, but the book gives me clarity by reinforcing the latter.


In my opinion, it's kind of a next level way of thinking. There are plenty of examples around town of prominent people giving. Heck, I'm a Xavier University grad and I'll give props to UC's President, Santa Ono, for giving away his $200,000 bonus. What do you think he will receive for that in the years to come?


However, giving doesn't always mean money. It could be connecting people, helping someone get a job, volunteering your time, holding a door, letting someone cut in in heavy traffic (I'm still working on this one), sending a congratulatory note, aiding a child or elderly person or anyone in need, coaching youth sports, etc. There are so many ways to give. To provide for our families, there maybe isn't enough time to give full time, but there's definitely enough time to give more often.

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