CLARITY Research & Strategy: Clear Path to Success Made Simple

CLARITY Research & Strategy provides companies with a clear understanding of their customers and how to meet those customers' needs most efficiently and effectively.
CLARITY Research & Strategy: Clear Path to Success Made Simple
Photography provided by Sarah Dowlin of WorkLife Studios

What began as a life change became the model for Dennis Devlin to build his business. CLARITY Research & Strategy (CLARITY) provides companies with a clear understanding of their customers and how to meet those customers’ needs most efficiently and effectively. Clarity is key.

Devlin founded CLARITY in 2009, drawing on his extensive experience in marketing and branding research and strategy. He recognized the importance of simplifying marketing and branding efforts during complicated economic times and implemented this philosophy in his work with clients. A firm believer in simplicity, Devlin aims to incorporate this value into everything he does.

“My philosophy is based on the concept that clarity is power, and consistency is a superpower, whether applied in a business context or simply to life in general,” Devlin explains. “In marketing and branding, insight generation serves as the fuel to gain clarity, and it is captured through a deep understanding of a business’s customer, competition and company/brand.” And that’s crucial in today’s competitive marketing and branding landscape.

He serves a diverse range of B2C and B2B businesses, sometimes working with strategic partners like Madison Design, helping support startups to industry giants like Procter & Gamble and Cintas.

CLARITY’s main objective is to provide clear insights into customers, competition and company branding, resulting in transformative financial success in greater revenues, larger market share and increased profitability.

Devlin’s goal when working with any size company is the same. It is the approach that can vary. Start-up companies often use CLARITY to learn about market feasibility — is there a need for the product or service and what is the likely competition? Larger companies using CLARITY most often focus on identifying growth opportunities and overcoming potential challenges in the marketplace.

The process for any company begins with discovery. What does the company want to learn? What prompted the desire to conduct research? And how can research help? The next step is the development of a research proposal, identifying the learning objectives, design, services needed, investment and timing.

Barnes Dennig, a consulting and advisory accounting and tax services provider, recently used CLARITY to complete some strategic research. “Dennis is an absolute best-in-class research ally. In addition to an incredible depth of expertise and experience in the field, he goes above and beyond to deliver outstanding insights and results that create the foundation for game-changing strategies and campaigns,” says Kat Jenkins, Director of Marketing at Barnes Dennig. “He’s an insightful strategic thinker and provides outstanding input that makes the deliverables resulting from his findings and insights better and more impactful.”

Concludes Devlin, “The greater the clarity, the more informed the decision-making in terms of strategy, development and execution, which leads to transformative financial success, evident by greater revenues, market share and profit margins.”

Can CLARITY Research & Strategy help your business gain a clearer perspective regarding customer insights, company direction and business growth? Find out by visiting, emailing, or call 513-448-4170 for more information.

Dennis Devlin, CLARITY Research & Strategy founder and CEO, has co-authored two business publications with colleague Jeff Jones.
The first book, "Overcoming the Innovation Killers," was published in 2021 and focuses on CLARITY’S approach to create the clarity required to generate great ideas that meet the consumer’s real needs and break through the chaos in the competitive marketplace.
The second and most recent book (published in 2022), "Three Wise Monkeys," discusses how a Culture of Clarity generated by elevating the importance of research insights within an organization creates transformative financial success.
Both books are available through Amazon and Audible in digital/print and audio formats.
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