His Glory On Display

His Glory On Display

Walking across a stage where I was the only audience in the theater...

A sharp predawn knock on the door interrupted our much-needed deep sleep. Darkness confused my sense of orientation. Where was I? The second knock brought clarity. “Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, it is time for the morning game drive.”

That’s it! We were in Africa at the Sabi Sands Game Reserve for our dream-come-true safari. Yes! Tossing aside the cobwebs of sleep and crawling out from under the mosquito netting, I bounded out of bed. That in itself was historic — like the birds, I prefer to wake up slowly. Oh, but this was no ordinary day and not a moment should be wasted.

Excitement propelled my feet to the floor where an awareness of cold concrete shot a shiver through my body. Quickly making my way forward, I suddenly stopped. “Oh, dear. The host warned us to wear slippers lest we step on a scorpion. Yikes! But first, my slippers needed to be checked to confirm that no scorpion nestled inside them overnight.” Details … “Happiness is very demanding,” I muttered to myself.

Moving with a blitheness defying my own person, I mentally checked off items needed for the game drive. Jacket, hat, sunscreen, mosquito repellent and, of course, the camera. (check, check, check, check, check) What about sunglasses? Better take them, just in case. Hurriedly, I dressed and prodded Larry along with my perceived need for urgency. Pulling on my cargo pants and long-sleeved shirt, glance at the clock on the nightstand pressured me to stay focused.

Now imagining the rich flavor of the steaming cup of strong coffee waiting at the lodge kept me moving at a clip. Trading slippers for boots, I sat on the teak wood couch and began the arduous task of lacing up my essential footwear as the musty smell of the thatched roof invaded my early morning senses.

Mid-way the job, my heart breathed a silent prayer of gratitude for the blessing of being here. Thanks to our dear and generous friends, the safari was a gift following our intense week of global leadership meetings near Cape Town, South Africa. Yesterday’s sev- en-hour drive transported us from a world of conference familiar to this world of unknown suspense. No amount of effort could quell the jitters building within me.

Whew! Project completed! Now properly adorned in the khaki garb and ready for my experience in the bush, I snatched my jacket off the rack and bade Larry a quick goodbye. “See you in the Land Rover! I’ll try to get good seats.”

And then it happened — as I grabbed the handle and threw open the door, my world came to a screeching halt. Freezing in my tracks, my eyes attempted to tell my mind what I just encountered.

My whole being whispered a holy “Wow!” Gazing from the door- way of our bungalow, nature exploded into my world and I found myself completely unprepared to process the glory of it all.

“ELEPHANTS! ELEPHANTS!” I screamed. In spectacular display, God stopped time and offered me a private viewing of His glorious creation. Not in a zoo, not in a circus, but in their own habitat, these majestic creatures paraded as if walking across a stage where I was the only audience in the theater.

Moving from my right to my left, these mammoth beings steadily marched, intent on one purpose: water. Huge, medium, baby — at least 50 of them — all varieties comprised this eclectic herd. Some had tusks, some did not. Their tails flipped and their ears fanned while their trunks danced back and forth. The grace and speed with which they moved defied belief. Mesmerized, my entire person gazed upon the splendor. Oh, I felt small, so extremely small.

Overwhelmed, with the unfathomable greatness of God, I stood captivated by this heaven-sent drama. Using the elephants, my Father threw back the curtain of my hitherto limited understanding and drew me to Himself. The portrayal of His greatness through this expression of His wild creation caught me completely off guard. Never would I again be the same. In spellbound worship, I could only utter, “Good Morning, Africa.”

And all these years later, I stand still in my mind each time I recall the experience. “His greatness no one can fathom” (Psalm 145:3).


  • When did God reveal Himself to you through an encounter with nature?
  • How did this remind you of His love for you?

For more information, visit DebbyThompson.com.

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