Reset Collective: Small Shifts Make Big Changes

Reset Collective: Small Shifts Make Big Changes

What if a tiny shift could change the course of your entire life? That’s the premise behind “Micro Shift,” a new book by Reset Collective that is already an Amazon bestseller. 

Reset Collective is a group of mindset coaches started by Kendra Ramirez. She wanted to share the knowledge she’d gained after she had experienced a tough time in her life. 

“I experienced divorce, depression, and a failing business 15 years ago,” Ramirez says. “But I have learned so much from my investment in a mindset coach.” 

The goal of Reset is to connect individuals to the support they need. They are a diverse group of coaches, and they offer one-on-one and group coaching sessions and classes. But it’s important to Ramirez and the rest of the team to provide free resources on their website, too, so that everyone has access to the help they need. 

Their new book, “Micro Shift,” is part of that goal of helping others be successful. 

“You cannot run a business in a scarcity mindset,” Ramirez says. A scarcity mindset means being worried that there won’t be enough or being anxious about a crowded workplace. But shifting to an abundance mindset means realizing that there is an entire world to serve, and you can be a blessing to other people. It means letting go of control.

“To really shift that mindset was massive in our business,” Ramirez says. “When I began to live in an abundance mindset, I can pinpoint when my business grew 300% by making that shift. It’s been a ripple effect for me, my business, my teammates, and my clients. When you light another’s candle, you lose nothing of your own. You just produce more light!” 

One of the success stories from Reset helps show the power of small changes in thinking. 

A woman took on a new promotion but struggled with feeling unworthy of the position. Thanks to the coaches and community at Reset, she was able to see that she was more than capable. Instead of worrying about “how” to get the job done, she focused on “who” could get the job done. 

And now? After another promotion, she’s running the entire department. She shared that she was successful thanks to what she had learned with the coaches at Reset. 

“Micro Shift” isn’t just stories. It’s full of exercises, writing prompts, journaling suggestions, and actionable things that can make your life full of purpose. Written by Ramirez and co-authors Lauren Ammon, Patrice Borders, Dr. Monique Johnson, Danyetta Najoli, and Theresa Vermillion, the different perspectives and styles of the writers mean that readers can find something that speaks to them. It’s a resource guide that you can use at any time to make a shift toward the life you want. 

Want a peek at what kind of help you can expect in “Micro Shift?” Here’s an excerpt: 

My Inner Critic is a Jerk 

We have on average over 70,000 thoughts per day, and statistically, 70% of those thoughts are negative. 

Let’s name your inner critic, that voice that tells you lies about yourself about not being smart, loveable, worthy, enough, or that you’re unoriginal. 

You know who is the most unoriginal? Your inner critic. 

Your inner critic repeats the same stuff over and over again. Give your inner critic a name and voice that makes you laugh. Like Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, or Janice from “Friends.” 

When your inner critic gets loud, you simply say “Not today, (insert inner critic name). You will not steal my joy today.” 

This allows you to redirect your thoughts and know that your brain is trying to trip you up. 

“We hope by reading this, you feel like you’re not alone,” Ramirez says. “Other people feel the same way. But we want you to know that simple little changes in your mindset can allow you to live the life you want to live.” 

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