2024 Influential Women in Business: Private Real Estate Collection

Heather Herr,
CEO & Founder
Private Real Estate Collection & Team Herr Real Estate
Heather Herr, CEO & Founder Private Real Estate Collection & Team Herr Real Estate

Q. Tell us about Private Real Estate Collection and Team Herr.

Private Real Estate Collection is in multiple states — Ohio, Kentucky and Florida. Team Herr, a Cincinnati-based team, is only one of the teams under that company. My vision is to bring on other teams in other states. Right now, we have a harmonious relationship with Florida because so many people in Ohio purchase homes in Sarasota, Tampa and Naples.

Q. What is your greatest accomplishment as a leader?

It’s all about cultivating a culture that’s backed by compassion, empathy and a strong commitment to education. Entrepreneurship can be incredibly stressful. Compassion has enabled me to understand and connect with my team, and that is an important part of being a leader —guiding and nurturing their growth because people change all the time. I have a master’s degree in education. I’m dedicated to teaching and sharing what I know about the industry. This allows for an environment of continuous learning and development, which is extremely important in our business. I have mostly women in my group, and they’re always striving to learn, be creative and do something outside of their current position. I treat my business meetings like classrooms, teaching new things all the time, especially as they relate to technology.

Q. How do you deal with difficult situations or people?

Effective communication is critical. You must have that open dialogue all the time and not be afraid to discuss how you feel. Also, I’ve learned the importance of stepping back to view things without judgment and taking a minute to observe before responding. In the past, I was quick to respond, but now I try to understand the issue and the motivators.

Q. How do you continue to learn and expand your knowledge?

I do a lot of reading — both hard copy and audio. I primarily like books about industry trends, relationships and professional development. Podcasts give me insights and diverse perspectives into great leaders I can’t see in person at conferences. I also learn from my smart, savvy teenage daughters. They teach me about cultural shifts in technology.

Q. How do you balance your career, personal life and passions?

I brought in a great team that supports one another. I’ve also come to recognize the importance of carving out special moments with my children. I appreciate the beauty of an ordinary day where I cook dinner, spend time with my kids, take a yoga class and go to bed on time!

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