(August 5th, 2021) Fifth and Final Online Concert from Musicians for Health Benefitting Cancer Research

(August 5th, 2021) Fifth and Final Online Concert from Musicians for Health Benefitting Cancer Research

On August 5th, 2021 Dark Sky Hustlers will perform live in the fifth and final performance for Musicians for Health's 5 for 5 online concert series benefiting cancer research.

Musicians for Health was organized 5 years ago by Joyce Elkus and her grandson Zac Greenberg, a professional musician and composer. The purpose of the organization is to raise money primarily for cancer research. Joyce lost her husband, Dr. Fred Elkus and companion Dr. Stanley Kaplan to cancer. Dr. William Barrett was involved in their treatment. The U.C. Barrett Cancer Center has been the recipient of Musicians for Health fundraising efforts.

5 for 5 celebrates the 5 year anniversary of Musicians for Health. Beginning in March 2021 on the 5th day of the month for five consecutive months a special performance by entertainers all over the country has been held via Musicians for Health YouTube Channel. Casey Abrams former American Idol finalist was among one of our entertainers.

Air-Cool Jenny 4/5 8pm est

Christian DeMarco 5/5 8pm est

Casey Abrams 6/5 8pm est

Nora Germain 7/5 8pm est

Dark Sky Hustlers 8/5 8pm est

Performances remain available on the Musicians for Health YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAE5I5CzZqa8618900AWivw/videos

Musicians for Health website: https://www.musiciansforhealth.org/

Musicians for Health Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Musicians4Health

Venue Cincinnati